Ordering Your Bracelet

Custom Bracelets Click HERE

Premade Bracelets Click HERE

1) Either send an email to cnwallace@hotmail.com or comment below. Use your email from your paypal account
a)If custom bracelet, include: Pattern I.D., Color I.D.'(s)
b)If your bracelet is premade, include: Bracelet I.D.
3) Indicate weather each bracelet is for: child, teen, or adult
4) Include a coupon code if any
a)Include any extra information I will need to know to make your bracelet
b)if you are commenting down below, leave your email for me to paypal invoice you


To: cnwallace@hotmail.com
From: You

Subject: Order for my bracelet

Dear Claire,

please make this CUSTOM bracelet for me :
design #09 with colors #02 #08 #03 and #01
please make sure that the stripe is color #01
this bracelet is for an adult

also include the premade bracelet #092

6) Once you have sent me this email, I will gladly get started on your bracelet.
7) Once I finish your bracelet I will send you an email notifying you of the completion of your custom bracelet, or sending you an conformation for your premade bracelet.
8) I will paypal invoice you.
9) Once I receive the payment, I will send off your bracelet that day!

ALL PAYMENTS are made through paypal. They are trustworthy and easy to link your account with.
Email me about cash payments.

Once you receive your bracelet, please send me a picture at cnwallace@hotmail.com

Thank you, and enjoy browsing. New bracelets come up every week.


  1. Hey Claire!
    I would love to order 2 bracelets from you!

    I would like the basic heart pattern with the colors 144 and 861. I don't care which color is the heart, and this is for an adult.

    I would also like a Monogrammed pattern with the colors 167 and 222. The name is "Courtney". Again I don't mind which color is the name. This is also for an adult.

    My Email for paypal is courtneynicoleu@ymail.com

    Thanks so much!!

  2. Courtney: The heart pattern costs $2.50
    Your name costs $5.00
    shipping: $1.50

    total $8.00 I just sent you an invoice.

  3. Thank you mam! I just sent the money!

  4. Hi Clair!!

    I would like to order the pre-made bracelet, #B03.

    Also the basic heart pattern with 144, and 007 as the heart.

    Plus a monogramed one with 713, and the 967 as the heart. I want it to say "Lauren"
    these are adult.

    And my e-mail for paypal is glamorgirly21@yahoo.com

    Thank you!

  5. Hi. Can i get a monogrammed bracelet with 100 as the background and 144 for the letters? I would like "CWJ" put on it. This is for a teen. my email is: soccerstar600@gmail.com

  6. This goes with the above comment: can i also get a custom bracelet with the basic heart pattern with 967 as the background and 100 as the hearts?

    thanks! (the email, same as above, is soccerstar600@gmail.com)

  7. Hey Claire, just wondering will you be sending me an email when my bracelets ship?

  8. Yes I will. I just got to your order and I finished the heart bracelet. Next is the name one [:

  9. Are you still taking orders for bracelet?
